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Sofortanfrage zu diesem Produkt
Electrolux ECA20 Zubehör Bügelschuh, passend für die meisten Bügeleisen, 900167292 | Modell: 900167292 | Artikel-ID: 777501
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Produktgruppe | Zubehör |
Marke | Electrolux |
Produktbezeichnung / -familie | Iron Shoe |
Internationale Bestellbezeichnung | ECA20 |
Kundendienst Material Nr. | 900 167 292 |
EAN-Nummer | 7319599014477 |
Zubehör für | Vacuum Cleaner |
VATPercentage | 19 |
Commodity Code | 76151080 |
Minimum order quantity | error in function Scripting: [...] |
Number of pieces per pallet | 300 |
Höhe verpacktes Gerät | 350 |
Depth of the pallet | 800 |
Breite verpacktes Gerät | 170 |
Height of the pallet | 1110 |
Tiefe verpacktes Produkt | 70 |
Width of the pallet | 1200 |
Philips (Internal) product hierarchy | Zubehör |
Nettogewicht | 0.116 |
Bruttogewicht | 0.2 |
Short SEO product description | Electrolux ECA20 Zubehör Bügelschuh, passend für die meisten Bügeleisen |
Produktbeschreibung kurz | Now you can leave your worries aside when ironing. Thanks to its non-stick sole plate, the Iron shoe allows you to iron at any temperature and at full steam power without damaging delicate clothes. It is also possible to iron over prints, embellishments and buttons. No more shinny patches on dark and synthetic materials. This Iron shoe is suitable for most steam irons. |
Produktgruppe | Zubehör |
Marke | Electrolux |
Produktbezeichnung / -familie | Iron Shoe |
Internationale Bestellbezeichnung | ECA20 |
Kundendienst Material Nr. | 900 167 292 |
EAN-Nummer | 7319599014477 |
Zubehör für | Vacuum Cleaner |
VATPercentage | 19 |
Commodity Code | 76151080 |
Minimum order quantity | error in function Scripting: [...] |
Number of pieces per pallet | 300 |
Höhe verpacktes Gerät | 350 |
Depth of the pallet | 800 |
Breite verpacktes Gerät | 170 |
Height of the pallet | 1110 |
Width of the pallet | 1200 |
Tiefe verpacktes Produkt | 70 |
Nettogewicht | 0.116 |
Philips (Internal) product hierarchy | Zubehör |
Bruttogewicht | 0.2 |
Short SEO product description | Electrolux ECA20 Zubehör Bügelschuh, passend für die meisten Bügeleisen |
Produktbeschreibung kurz | Now you can leave your worries aside when ironing. Thanks to its non-stick sole plate, the Iron shoe allows you to iron at any temperature and at full steam power without damaging delicate clothes. It is also possible to iron over prints, embellishments and buttons. No more shinny patches on dark and synthetic materials. This Iron shoe is suitable for most steam irons. |
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